Meat Selling Process
For Beef/Pork/Lamb
Place Order
A deposit invoice will be mailed or emailed to you regarding all the sale details.
We will notify you of the date the beef, hog and lamb will be taken to the local processor/butcher shop.
You will contact the local processor/butcher shop and communicate how you want your purchased portion custom processed on the date given in step 3.
An invoice will be mailed or emailed on the balance due on the beef, hog and lamb. Payment is due prior to picking up meat at the Butcher shop.
When your order is finished the Butcher shop will contact you. Payment for processing is due at the time of meat pick up.
Note: We offer meat drop-offs in Burnsville, MN at various times during fall and spring.
For Chickens
Chickens are sold by the lb. and this process is very simple.
So you just let us know the size you want and we can either meet at drop-off location or you can come to our farm for pick up. Payment will be at the time of chicken pick up.
For pricing and questions, please call
Cazzi Wacholz (303) 912-1499