Spring on hold
This was the scene today – April 04th. Things look more like early March around here. I recently had to move the sheep into the yard while lambing, due to all the storms and cold northwest winds we´ve been having. I think I may hold off lambing until mid-April going forward as our weather is so unpredictable here in Minnesota. I recall back to the spring of 2012 where we had grass green and a favorable weather with temperatures of 60 and 70 degree.
The cattle are happy in this weather. I roll out round bales for them, so they can all get in on the action. I try to limit the use of round bale feeders as the little ones don´t get access to the feeder because the strong animals dominate. In addition, this spreads out the nutrients on the land and is good fertilizer for future crops. Once the weather gets nice, I plan to work on this ground that the cattle are and sow small grains and peas to raise for the sows.
Thinking of spring!